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Election Information & Forms

The Village of Oakfield is split into two wards divided by Main Street.  Ward 1 is from the north boundary of the village to the south boundary and from Main Street to the west boundary of the village.  Ward 2 is from the north boundary of the village to the south boundary and from Main Street to the east boundary of the village.  Both wards vote at one polling place located in the Community Center.  Village polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m.  The Village of Oakfield does have voter registration, and voter registration is open up to and including election day.  You can register to vote online here .  A voter may use his/her driver's license as proof of residency as long as the address is current.  Proof of residency can also be a utility bill, rental lease, bank statement or some other document that includes the elector's name and address and is a current statement.  Any questions regarding elections, ballots, or registering to vote, may be directed to the Village Clerk at 583-4400.

If you are interested in the voting process or would like to help out on election day, please contact the Village Clerk.  Every two years Election Inspectors are appointed to the position; the current appointments expire in December of 2019.  Six hours of training are required to qualify as an election inspector.  Training is arranged by the Village Clerk.  Inspectors are compensated for their time and receive one meal on election day.

Voters may choose to vote by absentee ballot.  To receive a ballot by mail, a voter must make an application to the Village Clerk requesting an absentee ballot.  Click Here to fill out the application to vote by absentee ballot, or you may write a letter to the Village Clerk requesting the absentee ballot.   A voter does not need a reason to obtain an absentee ballot.  The only requirements are that a name, address and date of election be included on the letter or application.  ***Starting January 1, 2016, a valid photo ID MUST be provided before an absentee ballot can be issued.  This rule does not apply to any elector who currently has an indefinitely confined absentee application on file.  When an absentee ballot is mailed, a return envelope postage paid is included along with instructions for marking the ballot. 

This year's election dates can be found on our Village Calendar.

Voter information can be obtained at https://myvote.wi.gov/.  You can request an absentee ballot, view your voting history, verify your polling place location and view other relevant information.